Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Zapote Visit

Tuesday morning at The Oasis dawned with a beautiful blue sky and a few puffy clouds. We thought of, and said a silent prayer for you, our faithful friends and supporters trapped on the frozen Minnesota tundra. Hang in there.

The work here continues in earnest. Members of the team are installing wiring, framing and hanging sheet-rock, painting, and cabinet building.  Everybody is working together and unified in our efforts to fulfill the jobs presented to us.
Source of Hope school at the base of Volcano Fuego
One of the needs Kids Alive presented to us was to photograph all the kids out at Source of Hope school out in the remote village of Zapote. Caleb and Tim were sent out along with Jenny from The Oasis to join with Meaghen and Anna who work out there at the school. Together we were able to corral and photograph all 225+ kids for their sponsorship photos.
These kids are amazingly bright, happy, and so friendly considering their circumstances and environment. Many live in tin and wood shanty's with dirt floors and yet you wouldn't know it once they have their school uniforms on and a big smile on their faces. The efforts of this school, their staff and missionaries to share Christ to these kids, and then the resulting change in their families is so heartwarming and encouraging to see. God is really changing this village in this way. Please pray about and consider sponsoring one of these beautiful and precious kids. You can do this at www.kidsalive.org

It's hard to describe the joy of sponsoring a kid on the mission field and then actually being able to visit them in person. Both of us were able to do that on this visit after photos were finished, giving them some family photos and a small gift. We really value this interaction and come away very blessed.
Caleb with his sponsored girl, Anna translating.
The drive out and back to Zapote took us right through the area hardest hit by last June's major eruption of volcano "Fuego".  The nearby village of El Rodeo was destroyed by a quick-moving pyroclastic flow — a mix of hot lava, pumice, ash and volcanic gas moving down volcanic slopes at speeds as high as 200 mph. It was fortunate that the flow did not come down towards Zapote but instead went more southeast, tragically wiping out villages and killing hundreds. There are close to 3000 people people unaccounted for and presumed buried. Some families left Zapote following the eruption, and KAG missionary Meaghen and her husband Raul had to relocate their home in the nearby city of Escuintla.
Pray for the people of Guatemala who are grieving and trying to rebuild. Pray that their hearts would be turned to their heavenly Father who grieves with them. Pray for those that are ministering to them in their trouble, and working to show compassion. 

Thanks also for your daily prayers for us. Can we also ask your special prayer support for Nora, one of our Team hosts, and a young mom of a 2 month old. She went to the emergency room yesterday with medical problems and is still not feeling well. Please lift Nora up in prayer for complete healing. We are thankful for all of you!


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