Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Highlight of the trip

Make sure you read the "True Worship" post below for Friday which describes the highlight of our trip!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Back Home

We arrived home safely Saturday night.
It was an amazing week!
Look for more updates and pictures in the next few days.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saying goodbye is always hard!

After loading all our bags and suitcases up in the truck we had plenty of time to say "adiós niñas" (goodbye girls). It was a true Minnesotan goodbye...long! The girls had a hard time letting go and so did we! Through many hugs, tears, laughter and photo's we let go and loaded the van one more time, each of us processing the week we had. We went to serve, to use the talents that God has blessed us with, to play and love on the girls, we leave being humbled, blessed and loved back ten times more.

Friday, March 4, 2011

True Worship

As we neared the end of our time at the Oasis, the team was in great anticipation of a program that we learned the girls were to host for us on Friday evening. But we could have never imagined what we would experience that night; truly the highlight of our trip!

Over the past eight years of NHC teams working with Kids Alive in Guatemala, there has been much work accomplished and many great memories made. But nothing can compare to that most glorious time of worship offered to the Lord by the precious girls of the Oasis! After their worship team led us in praise choruses, our team sang “Power in the Blood” for them. We were then asked to pull our chairs into a circle. Unaware of what was to follow, we were surprised to find ourselves encircled by a group of little brown-eyed angels, who wrapped their arms around our shoulders and their spirits around our hearts. One by one, their sweet little voices lifted prayers to the throne of God on our behalf. Each one, without hesitation or self-consciousness, prayed aloud, thanking God for us. Some broke into sobs, unable to continue, yet they offered us Kleenex and wiped away our tears. And although most of us could not understand all that was said, we sensed the powerful, tangible, sweet Spirit of God pour out His love on that room. These abused, wounded, abandoned little girls served us and loved us in the most beautiful way we have ever experienced, far beyond any way we have ever served them! Together, we all wept and hugged and healed and discovered what worshiping God really is! It is praising and loving IN our brokenness, finding there that we are all loved and accepted, in desperate need of God and that our response should be to serve and give!

What an incredible blessing to see such clear evidence of God’s healing work in their lives! Looking beyond themselves, they demonstrated true worship to a group of big, able-bodied, “tough guys” who fell apart at the sweet Spanish prayers offered “from the mouths of babes”.

The finished work

After cutting many sheets of MDF, using hundreds of screws, and going through about 12 gallons of primer and white paint, all the cabinets were made for the purple house, door knobs in place, gas, electrical, and plumbing all in and running. One final clean and run through of the house, and it is now ready for 10 more girls to make their home in the purple house. To make this home come alive sponsors are needed for each of the girls that will live there, be restored, grow in their faith and be transformed into beautiful young ladies.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Visit to Chicaman

Our visit to the small village of Chicaman just outside the Oasis to distribute toothbrushes, toothpaste, candy and tracts was as always a fascinating insight into Guatemala culture. We recognized many familiar faces and loved our time interacting with families that have nothing to offer except a heart warming smile.

Thursday's Work

We all worked hard today getting many projects completed. Painting, cabinet installation, electrical work, plumbing, well pump replacement and more painting! The purple house is really starting to look like an “Extreme Makeover Home Edition” - the finishing touches are almost done to the point of saying…….“move that bus!"

A reminder of our awesome God from Guatemala

Kyle's Birthday

The team decided to start the morning off with a Guatemalan tradition…lighting firecrackers off at 6 AM when it is someone’s birthday..…yes, Kyle’s birthday was today and so he was awakened with a fright! The girls and staff all sang Happy Birthday to him at lunch, and one of the girls, Michelle, made him a homemade banana cake and surprised him tonight.

"Thank you God for providing me with such wonderful friends…both from home and from my home away from home, The Oasis in Guatemala." - Kyle

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A productive day at the Oasis

Our second day of work was a very productive day in a lot of areas. In the "Purple House" we finished the doors and trim. Counter tops and sinks were installed in the bathrooms. Shower fixtures and exhausts were put in. Clotheslines and a washtub were installed in the back of the house. More electrical work was completed throughout the Oasis. More shelves were put together, sanded and painted......now we just need to start installing them.

We are eager to continue our work and spend more precious time with the girls!

Today, Lisa painted a globe on the wall with a quote by Andy Stanley and she is having the girls put their hand prints on the wall and also on a piece of paper that will have the same quote and the girl’s names on them. A little something to look at and to remind them of who they are in Christ.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The work begins

This is a mural Lisa painted today in the games room. The caption reads "Never, never give up"!

Monday, just like at home was the beginning of our workweek. Kids Alive director of maintenance Doug Johnson was excited to have not just skilled workers available to build but also, friends of his. He led us in prayer and then proceeded to layout the plans for our week. As tough times have fallen on economy worldwide, less teams are visiting the Oasis. In years past as many as 25 teams would come in a year - this last year saw only 4 teams. The building we started last year was basically untouched. So, our most important objective is to complete this new purple house. Our work will consist of building all the cabinets, installing doors and handles, getting gas lines connected, installing sinks and counter tops, connecting electrical, connect showers and toilets, get heat for hot water, and more. Each house is able to house up to 10 girls and 2 staff. We were informed that the Oasis has some new challenges in that almost half the girls are now older and many will be moving into the “independence” program. This is a program where they are integrated into the city and public school and taught how to make it on their own. A small house outside the Oasis may become the new home for some of these girls. As the girls grow and the government remains confused, the logistics of obtaining more children has slowed. That and the lack of teams visiting has really taken a toll on sponsors for the kids. Please pray that God would move in people’s lives to share in the growth of these dear children. As Doug Dahl led devotions tonight we were all moved how we are needing to “become the church” as we see how good we have it and then see this precious kids with such need for love and a model of family in their lives. We shared of our frustration with language, and tools that don’t work like those we have at home yet one look of a child’s eyes tells you this is a real God thing going on here.

Testimony from Randy

At church on Sunday Randy befriended one of the girls named Sara. Sara is one of the few girls at the Oasis that speaks good English so good communication was possible. That evening while sitting on the front steps of the Oasis, Randy and Sara were able to have some time to talk. While making small talk and learning of each other’s lives and interest, Randy asked Sara how many brothers and sisters she had. After a short pause, Sara replied she did not know how many she had. Sara began to immediately cry and there was a very notable pause. As Sara cried, Randy said he was sorry and put his arm around her. He then shared that we “our team” were her brothers and sisters and that we all will be family in heaven. Sara nodded and knew in her heart and faith in Jesus that this was true, yet it was clear, she longed for her own family. All these girls are in deep need of family after going thru some kind of abuse. Please pray that beyond the buildings we put up, that a life and model of Christ will be built in these girl’s lives as they need and look to rebuild a life in Christ.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday - Fiesta with the girls

What an incredible day we’ve had! Sunday in Guatemala is a wonderful blessing! We awoke to a clear morning with our first glimpse of the volcano out our window. And though we had a later breakfast/gathering time planned, everyone was awake early, fully rested and full of excitement for our day. We attended the Nazaret Church along with the girls from the Oasis and as always, the experience of worshiping in a different culture was beautiful. God is the same in any language!

We have to say, however, that the highlight of our day was an afternoon picnic with “the girls” we have come to love! We did some face painting and press on tattoos while others prepared the meal. Kyle and his crew worked hard and early on a fabulous hamburger, potato salad, watermelon and chips extravaganza! We grilled about 100 hamburgers, wondering if 40 girls and staff could possibly consume them. No problem! They were good little eaters, many returning for seconds! But best of all, once they had all been served, they got up from their seats and jumped behind the serving table, insisting on serving us, long before they had even eaten their food! We really enjoyed a relaxing time eating and talking with them.

Randy was in charge of the “carnival” portion of the day. He had prepared several relay races and super fun games with shaving cream, a piñata, water balloons and lots of sugar! We laughed and cheered and played like a big crazy family together!

It was a great day to get reacquainted and start out our week! But we’re really eager to get to work tomorrow!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shopping and Dinner in Antiqua

We all enjoyed a lovely afternoon of shopping and just taking in the hustle and bustle of the Antigua culture on a Saturday afternoon. While some of the team made our proper contribution to the local economy, others of us just walked around town, or sat in the center park near the fountain and listened to the wonderful sounds of the city...great music, children and parents laughing and playing together, friends and couples just enjoying each others company, vendors selling, and birds chirping. After a few hours of filling our time with whatever we chose, we gathered together as a team for dinner. We even had the privilege of having Carlos' wife, Nancy and his two daughters, Shirley and Hazel join us for dinner! We were all hungry and enjoyed a great time of food and fellowship at a nice comfortable, rustic restaurant. The food was delicious, the service warm and inviting, typical of Guatemalan culture, and the fellowship wonderful! With full tummies and happy hearts we headed back to the Oasis for a time of team devotions and to talk about our day on Sunday to come.

Day 1 - Saturday

Who knew it could be so much fun to be woken up early by roosters and barking dogs after a long day traveling. We began the day with an enjoyable visit to the "Casa del Waffles" for breakfast and then came back to the Oasis to see the girls beginning to emerge from their houses. They get to sleep in on Saturday and have chores to do most of the day. But by the time the afternoon rolled around old acquaintances were being renewed and a great time was being had by all playing games and laughing (mainly at our expense). This evening we are off to Antigua for some shopping.