Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oasis needs

Below is a message from Corbey requesting some donations for the girls in Guatemala:

We need to increase the fun quotient in the Oasis as some of our games and other things have become depleted. We are looking for people to donate anything young girls like to play with, especially:

- dress up/make believe clothes such as old ballet wear, princess outfits, customs (anything that is NOT scary, witchcraft or monsters) even gowns.  The things girls like to play make believe.
- dress up/play jewelry, hair stuff etc.
- toy tea sets
- games that require a low level of english:  memory games, young girls games, CandyLand, Pretty Pretty Princess  (of course any donated spanish games would be awesome)
- doll clothes
- puzzles, especially larger pieces for younger children, but more complicated puzzles as well.

New is preferred but gently used would do. If you have anything you would like to donate you can bring it to church and drop it off at the front desk.

Getting Ready Again

The new team is in place, flights have been booked, several meetings have taken place and fund raising is almost complete. We are excited about our new adventure and looking forward to what God is going to do in us and through us this year. Thank you for all those who have supported us financially and continue to pray for us. We have been particularly challenged this year by a series of videos we have been watching that have encouraged us to "do better at doing good". Check-out the "Restore Video Series" by lifechurch.tv