Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Supporters Lunch

You are invited to join us on Sunday, April 14 at 12:30 pm right after church in Family Center B to see a video, hear testimonies and give prayers of thanksgiving for the trip. Please RSVP to one of the team members you supported.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Safely Home

After some minor flight delays the team arrived home safely late last night (actually early this morning). It was a great week, God is doing an amazing work in the lives of the girls there - thanks for your prayers!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Retreat and Bonfire with the girls

Today was a day of teamwork. We started the morning preparing for the half day retreat, getting rooms ready for crafts, teaching, games and prayer. Every person had a part to play and the staff at the Oasis were ready for the translation part. We had the girls split into four groups, and each group had one of our team members and a missionary to translate, each group then rotated from one station to another. The day was a blast, and so much energy and joy went into it.

Dave helping with the craft

Kyle helping with the flower pots

Tony and Sandy teach

Randy and Cory playing games

The girls praying

Doug helping write and draw on the canvas

Cory and Greg demonstrate a game!

Making the craft

The team singing to the girls

Finished prayer room

A place of peace
We finished off the day with a bonfire, singing songs and roasting marshmallows. We had an amazing day, and the girls thoroughly enjoyed it.