Saturday, February 24, 2018

Saturday in the park

Day Two: Our main focus today was building upon established relationships with the girls and establishing some new ones.  The morning activities took place on the Oasis, they included pick-up basketball, walks and conversations as well as times with their sponsors. 

For lunch and much of the afternoon we planned a day at a park that was about a 30 minute walk from the Oasis.  For those team members that did not take the shuttle with the supplies, the journey was a test of our endurance at this elevation with walking up hill, over gravel and roots, both ways. At the end of this journey was a wonderful example of what a community park can be.  Picnic tables with grills, staffed zip line, a giant swing, and just a place were kids are able to be kids.  We were told that the girls only went there once every few month, and boy did it show on their faces.  Even the new moms were able to spend time doing the various activities while staff and team members were able watch after the little ones.  After lunch we moved to another part of the park with a dirt soccer field where Randy had many games planned.  The girls competed against each other in various relay races, a tug of war ,which in the end resulted the girls besting the NHC team, and ending the afternoon in a soccer game. After the long hike back to the Oasis we got ready for a dinner that is hosted the girls homes. 

We divided up our team between five houses.  For the most part each house had something a little different prepared for us.  Corn tortillas and black beans were the common theme but some incorporated various styles of egg.  The girls and their house moms were gracious with as we worked through our Spanish and made conversations.  Some of us showed pictures of our families or performed magic tricks and other activities.  Being able to have this time with the girls is always a highlight of the trip because we get to see them in their element and share in a little bit of their daily life. 

Tomorrow we will be starting off the day at Galilea Church in San Lucas.  More to follow…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Team lands in Guatemala

Wow, what a day…   The team all started our mornings at around 2am and as you all most likely know, it was snowing. Six inches or more... The plows had not gone by yet on our way to the airport.  There were some challenges here but we all made it on time and safely. Thank you Tim Bodkin for driving the shuttle in this messy storm! Big praise… As we were checking in with the Delta agent, they recognized our need with our many second bags, bringing many needed items down with us. They waived all eleven second bag fees. Yahoo… Awesome how God works in the details.

Next little bump was as we’re waiting on the plane, knowing that we have a tight connection in Atlanta, they ended up deicing the snow covered plane for nearly an hour. Finally off we went, trusting that we would make our connection flight to Guatemala. Yes! we landed in Atlanta, raced to the tram, up to our gate, grabbing a fast breakfast on the run and then boarded right on time. Another praise!

It was a bit of a turbulent/bumpy flight but a what a wonderful landing in warm Guatemala. Then, we were greeted by the many friends we have here to take us up the 45 minute trip to the Oasis. Our team of 13 and 24 bags, what a pile. We saw many of the girls as we pulled in and had time for some soccer before dinner. Neil shared a great devotion after dinner reflecting on, as Pastor Dave used to say, “look for those God sightings”, Neil’s version, “And so it happens”. 
Each day here may have 'God things happening...' 

I’m sure we will not stay up too late tonight as we only had a few hours of sleep last night. I’m heading there now. 

Good night all….