Friday, March 2, 2012

First impressions from a new guy

This is my first time here at the Oasis. Here are my first impressions:
- Guatemala, with it's green mountains and volcanos is VERY beautiful.
- The Oasis itself is amazingly beautiful: a huge central playground surrounded by beautifully colored housing: looks like a courtyard of heaven where these girls can live in security and healing.
- Arriving at the Oasis was amazing. As we got out of the van, I saw some of the girls run up and greet some of the men of our team that they have known for years: they gave big hugs and big smiles. It was like watching a daughter greet her daddy who had been away on a long trip. It was also a little awkward that these girls did obviously not know me, but they were willing to begin making friends with us newcomers very soon. When the girls learned that I actually speak real Spanish, they stared teaching me their cool greeting and lingo of the day.
- The staff was also very appreciative for us coming. We had an orientation, and learned about the vision and strategies of the director. They are really working to bring God's transforming power to an entire village of Zapote with a nearby school they have started.
- I feel both blessed, overwhelmed and exhausted from the trip. I look forward to tomorrow. God bless the Oasis, it's staff, and the girls!

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