Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thoughts from another rookie

Our fourth day in Guatemala has come to a close. As we prepare for another day of hard work and investing into the girls, our mission here is becoming more and more clear. Being a "rookie" member of the New Hope Guatemala Team I have been learning on the fly, but nonetheless, I am fully experiencing the joy of this place, that has so obviously captured the hearts of each of my team members. The appreciation and company of these blessed girls and the Oasis team has supplied the motivation and energy to look forward to our work each day; despite some sickness and minor obstacles, our team is developing a strong bond with the sole aim of glorifying our Savior. Through this goal we have encountered a unique opportunity in which each of us is encountering God individually and communally in new and exciting ways. In my personal journey, thus far, God has revived in me an entire new appreciation for community and service - particularly how well the two supplement each other.
Tuesdays is only the second day of full time work, but our progress is already encouraging. Building a closet in an old classroom provides much needed storage space, installing a door opens more efficient passage ways, an entire room is being designated to computers and sewing machines, and several more beneficial additions are in the works. As frames are being cut and mounted, and boards are measured and painted, each team member is finding his place and applying his gifts. The amount of talent and professionally acquired skills on this team are a true blessing. With dedication and a high standards being maintained it is an honor to offer the Oasis reliable and practical additions to their home.
All of your thoughts and prayers are highly appreciated as our lives in Guatemala and our families in the US continue with everyday life. The few obstacles that have been encountered have quickly been countered with prayers, and our trips safety and progress thus far have only occurred because of God's grace and willingness. We continue to pray and ask you to join us as God is being glorified in each of our lives in Guatemala and at home. The importance of the support offered by each of you at home is made clear and evident through the fact that the minutes on our mobile phone are completely gone four days into our trip - the down side is that I was not able to call my worried mother to assure her of my safety......Mom I'm OK!
Grace and Peace

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