Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Connecting with the local church

One of our goals this year is to try and connect more with the local churches. We will be doing this in a number of ways:
  1. Attending Galilea church on one Sunday and Nazaret church on the other
  2. Partnering with the Galilea church by focusing our construction efforts on the school in the remote village of Zapote
  3. Hosting a picnic at the Oasis on Sunday afternoon for families from the Nazaret church
  4. Planning  a work day at Nazaret church on Saturday with men from the church (instead of a team day trip)
  5. Purchasing a projector for the church in Zapote so they can host movie nights for the community

Please pray that our efforts are successful and that good relations would be build between New Hope Church, Kids Alive, the Nazaret church and the Galilea church for the glory and advancement of God's Kingdom!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent goals...blessings on the relationships that will be established and strengthened!
