Monday, March 16, 2015

Sunday fun-day and then to work

After church we enjoyed a really fun time with the girls from the Oasis and even a visit from some of the girls from the Esther House. We had planned some relay games for the girls (shown in the pictures from yesterday’s post) and they had a blast! We enjoyed watching them, playing with them and just relaxing and visiting with them on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon!

This morning we awoke to a cool morning, anxious to meet with Doug Johnson, the Kids Alive construction manager, to learn what we were being asked to work on this week. His “wish list” included a lot of updates in the Bethany Center (which the first New Hope Church team poured the footings for in 2004!) such as the building and painting of cabinets and shelving, tearing down of a wall for the expansion of the kitchen pantry (originally built to hold food for serving meals to 40 girls; currently they are serving 105 people), building a wall to divide an office for the staff and the painting and designing of a mural portraying the core values of the ministry and painting of the main dining room. Doug shared that they are also creating a Tech. Center where the older girls will have the opportunity to learn life skills such as cooking, sewing and jewelry making that they can use to earn a living. This Tech. Center is in need of an electrical overhaul. So, it was time to divide and conquer. We made a lot of great progress today on each of the projects and expect to complete those and hopefully more, time permitting.

It’s been a great day. The team is getting along well and we are enjoying time with the sweet girls here. We thank you for your prayers. And we thank God for hearing and answering and being a God who heals.     

1 comment:

  1. Indeed He is a God who heals. Thank you for the updates .... Praying for much strength, energy during the day hours and good rest, sleep for the night hours!
