Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sunday update

We woke to a beautiful morning, greeted by sunshine, rooster crowing and little girl’s voices that make this trip what it is. We had our breakfast and devotions by Chris and headed off to church.  We fellowshiped with the local Galilea Church in San Lucas, the church we have attended here for a number years now and really enjoy the worship and teaching. They have chosen to work with us and the Kids Alive ministry, including the Source of Hope school in Zapote where we have worked in past years. Many of the Oasis staff attend here as do many of our girls and families that no longer live at the Oasis. The church is in the construction process of a new building that contains a new and larger sanctuary. We experienced great singing this morning, a baby dedication and a solid message by Pastor Merari, translated by Renee who is from Minnesota and a key missionary here at the Oasis. Pastor Merari shared a personal testimony of how God has maintained him thru a serious concern of a possible brain tumor. Please pray for Pastor Merari. He has survived for over 15 years since his original treatment and encouraged us that God is able and willing to carry us thru all that life may bring our way. Today's message was from Matthew 12:22-30. A solid challenge to us that God knows our thoughts and that we need to be with Him and think of Him in all things so that He can be with us.  When we do not hold tight to Him, vs 30 warns of us that we need the fellowship of Him and the body. 

After the service we were able to meet with a number of “past” students and families that attend the church and some that do not.  We saw Jocelyn, Carmelina, Jeffery, Doris, Sindy, Jenny and a few others. What a joy that we hear and see that these girls are now on their own and having families, attending church, holding down jobs and most important – seeking their Savior Jesus Christ. What a joy to see the work that the Oasis has invested in these girl’s lives, and is now multiplying itself outside the walls of the Oasis. So glad to hear of these wonderful souls now finding a life in Christ after the abuse they have faced. Grace and forgiveness are words they live and understand far more than I. 

Thanks for covering us and them in your prayers and please continue to bend your knees for these young girls as they face the giants in their lives.  


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