Thursday, March 12, 2009

Some thoughts about contentment

I’m very thankful for being surrounded by Godly men who exhibit so many of the godly traits that I am weak in and strive for. I’m being made aware from the Lord how much I have and take for granted and how much He needs me acknowledge that the only things that matter at all are things that are done for His Glory and for His purpose. I’m being shown that these Guatemalan people have a very unique contentedness with their lives and that is something that I want and need more of.  They find enjoyment in the most “Non-American” simple things, like just playing with sticks or flowers, running and laughing with friends, hugging big, stinky strangers from foreign countries, or just lying around. I need to find solace in just being quiet and allowing myself to meditate on the Lord or just let myself be calm and listen to the world. They don’t have hardly anything in terms of earthly assets at all but seem to have contentment with the small amount of things they have. WOW, that’s a lifelong project to work on…but it seems more palatable to start working on prioritizing life’s real and core necessities here in Guatemala. They seem to just be OK with where they happen to be in life-not necessarily striving for things that are not available to them. My prayer is that God change my heart to become a man that is not striving for things that are not of his kingdom, but instead develop a heart of contentment that finds adequacy and joy in the simple act of worshipping my Lord and humbly accepting the most important gifts that He has placed in my life, MY RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM, FAMILY, HEALTH, FRIENDS, and take care of and share the small amount of things that He has entrusted to me and my family. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this wonderful reminder for us back in the states .... as I was reading this morning I found this wonderful entry and I pray this for the the Kids Alive Team, For the Girls, and for the NHC Team today...

    Before Thee, Father
    In Righteousness and Humility,

    With Thee, Brothers and Sisters,
    In Faith and courage.

    In Thee, Spirit,
    In stillness.

    Thine, for Thy will is my destiny,
    Dedicated--for my destiny is to be used and used up accordning to Thy will.

    Also praying specifically for the Joy of the Lord to be your strength and that on this final day of construction you would finish strong in the Lord!
