Sunday, March 8, 2009

Worship and Antigua

Today was a new experience for the entire team as we attended worship at the Fraternidad Christiana de Guatemala, the largest evangelical church in Central America rather than the local church in San Lucas (we'll be going there next Sunday). It was a warm, friendly body of believers and the service was very meaningful to each of us. Through our personal team interpreter from the church, we heard a message of how important it is that our children see Christ in us in the way we relate to our spouses, our friends and our children as well. We need to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. As we are away from our families, this was a great message for our team to talk about during our evening devotional time. The experience also allowed us to reflect on the greatness of God and how He is the God of all humanity.

This afternoon we made a trip into Antigua, a town not too far from the Oasis. Quite a traffic jam ensued as we got stuck in a local religious parade. They happen quite often, especially during the Lenten season. It commemorates the crucifixion of Christ, so it was much like a funeral procession. Literally thousands of people participate with most of the men wearing purple robes and paying to help carry massive floats on their shoulders as penance for their sins. The team felt it was quite dark though and was at the other end of the spectrum from the grace we experienced at church this morning.

We ended our trip to Antigua spending some time shopping in the local market and had dinner at a local restaurant. Tomorrow we start construction in earnest and look forward to what God has in store for us.

1 comment:

  1. We'll be praying for you guys tonight at Keystone! God's blessing on you!

