Sunday, March 3, 2013

Church, Picnic and a Volcano

After a good nights sleep we all piled into the van and drove the bumpy roads of San Lucas to church where all the girls from the Oasis attend. It is always a blessing to worship together with the girls and hear some great wisdom from their pastor. To our surprise we saw Doug (orange jacket) and Sara there. It was truly a blessing to see this man who by all accounts should not be with us. 
Neil and Mark talking with Doug at the Nazarene Church
Straight after church we all bundled in the van again and headed south towards Guatemala City to a Park. We set up tables, made lunch, ate plenty of food then the fun began...

Sandwich making
Randy introduces the Parachute. 
Sandy and Lisa do a little face painting
Dave playing a little "Futbol" - I think he got beat!
Neil scored points with Mirsa by getting his face painted.
Fuego Volcano Erupts
We saw so much today. The love that came from the pastor to his congregation and for the people who do not know Christ in Guatemala. To the laughter and giggles that you heard and saw from the girls as they played games in the park, to then at the end of the day Fuego Volcano decides to put on a show for us. God the creator of this universe showed his splendor in that volcano - but even more so in each of these girls as you watched them play. The week has only just begun and we have been blessed already.

Lisa Bodkin - Reporting for the team.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the wonderful report and pictures. Great to see Doug, and of course many of you as well. Great job team!
