Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 4 - Construction continues & supper with the girls

So, I guess it is my turn to blog... this should be fun.  I think I am going to do this a little different and just tell you all what is rattling around in my brain tonight.  You should know that I took a soccer ball off the face tonight when I was sitting way to close to the field and not paying attention.  So my brain hurts a little, again... this should be fun.
Hmm, Greg wondering whats for dinner at the purple house!
Doug, Randy, & Dave in the the gold house for dinner

Greg & Tim in the Purple house for dinner

Laying block for the guard house

Purple House
We worked and we worked hard today, my body hurts from the work.  We painted and laid cement block and made cabinets and worked on redesigning a prayer chapel.  It was an absolutely beautiful day here, perfect weather and considering the snow back in Minnesota, it was even more perfect.  Hot actually, I am sun burnt and I like that.

To me the work is great and a huge part of the ministry that we do here but to be honest this trip is more about relationships.  In a few months when I look back on this trip I will remember being able to see Doug Johnson and hugging him.  I will remember laughing until it hurts with the other team members.  I will remember crying when we leave.  I will remember the 3 girls that arrived in the middle of the night.  I will remember making tortilla's by hand with two of the girls we sponsor.   I will remember how close I feel to God when I am here at the Oasis.  At dinner tonight we were asked what we remember the fondest about out first time here.  I answered that by saying I loved and remember feeling closer to God here then anywhere on Earth.  I know that when I am home I am easily distracted, work, family, distractions.  Any and all shiny objects distract me.  In Guatemala it is not the case, I am here to serve and love and both of those bring me closer to God.

So there you go.  Just a few of the many things in my soccer face hurting brain tonight.  Oh, one last thing.  I really miss my wife.  I love you Jesaca.

Greg Stoesz


  1. Some good thoughts rattling around up there Greg! :)

    Thanks for the work you and the team are doing.

    Praying for you...

  2. Thanks for sharing Greg! To those girls you are like an oversize stuffed teddy bear. You may look threatening, but inside you are a bowl of love. Thanks for your ministry and for your giving heart in going year after year. These girls are seeing what a Godly man looks like so that one day like your own daughters they will find a godly man to be their husband.

  3. I have mixed emotions about reading the blog......I love to see what you guys are doing, but every time I read it, it just makes me want to be there more :-( Thanks for the updates, praying for you, keep up the good work!
    Tim B.

  4. I am always so impressed by the high quality facilities you all have been creating over the years. What a wonderful place for the girls to be and to become! Thanks for the great updates! Praying for all of you...
