Saturday, February 22, 2020

Saturday - Picnic day with the girls

It never fails, when you fall asleep in Guatemala, you’re going to wake up to a glorious morning the next day! Today was just one of those days! God’s beautiful creation, green and lush with blue skies and puffy white clouds passing over volcano peaks accompanied by intricate and crazy bird songs, rooster calls and even a little bunny nibbling on carnation petals, wow! This place is truly an Oasis, not just a place of safety but a place of incredible beauty, like a big hug from God!
Today we didn’t have a lot of work to do, but it was a full day, nonetheless. We take turns making and cleaning up breakfast for one another. Today’s was good, highlighted especially by the perfectly cooked bacon, compliments of Dave!  We then had an orientation presentation by Matt Vos from Kids Alive reminding us of the healthiest ways to interact with the girls while we’re here. We then spent most of the morning going through and organizing the many items that we were able to bring to Oasis. Thanks to the kind donations of many of you we were able to bring lots of very necessary tools and medical supplies and mountains of baby clothes. Thank you for your generosity!
The best part of our day was hosting a picnic lunch for the girls of Oasis and Casa Ester and the staff. Tim and Dan grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and chips and popsicles and enjoyed meeting new friends and getting reacquainted with old ones. Tim and Vivi Oberg had the opportunity to visit with a girl who had just arrived at the Oasis four days ago and was so thankful to be here. She will be starting school here on Monday. Thank God for bringing her here where she’ll be safe and cared for and be able to attend school and learn of God’s love and plans for her! After lunch Lydia, Lisa and Sandy did face and sweet little hand painting and Paul, Dan, Doug and Rosa lead some great relay games and activities. The laughter could be heard from far off! As usual, a soccer game broke out. Paul was tough to keep up with out there. And one little girl threw a beach ball at Spencer and Dave and Doug for over an hour and laughed hysterically every time she’d bop them in the head with it. It was priceless! The girls had a blast!  
Everyone was then treated to a puppet show given by some friends of Greg and Lydia who have a puppet ministry. It was very well done, and the girls really seemed to enjoy it. We also enjoyed it, though we didn’t understand a word of it. Watching the girls react was heart-warming. Rosa told us that one skit was about fear and the fact that God is always with us. It was a perfect message for them.
We always love these picnic days when we get to spend more leisurely time with the girls! They’re precious! They’re why we come! And on days like this, we are both touched and motivated to keep doing what we can to help them through our part in this ministry.
Sandy Dahl

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