Sunday, February 23, 2020

What a day... No really, it was quite the day.  It was a day of new faces and ones from the past.  It was that kind of day where you are mentally, physically and emotionally tired as it comes to a close.  The kind of day that makes you realize that we actually haven’t even started working yet. So Lydia and I will try to give you a recap the best we can. 
I have been coming to the Oasis with our Church for 11 years now. Lydia, my 16 year old daughter, this is her first time. It has been so fun for me to be able to see this country and its people through her eyes. 

We started the day hearing from Corbey the director of the Oasis and an update on the ministry. He gave us a 'brief' 4000 year history of Guatemala and the struggles this country has. We sped off to Church after that enjoyed seeing a few of those familiar faces. 

Lydia says, I have to agree with my dad about the day being draining but it was good. The start of this day was what I was by far the most grateful for. While I didn’t get to spend my Sunday morning with my New Hope Church family, I did get to spend it with some of my Guatemalan brothers and sisters in Christ at church Galilea. It was an experience to say the least. The part I believe I will remember forever was singing in Spanish. Yes, we do that sometimes at home but with people who actually know what their singing and doing it with meaning and passion is powerful. But then after church I was absolutely ecstatic to be able to meet the girl who my dad’s known longer than me and has been on a wall along with my siblings in my home for longer than I can remember. Selia, while shorter than expected, was nothing short of lovely (thanks to Rosa for translating and helping get the message across that the Stoesz family and many others love her). It is clear that she, even after her own trials, has managed to be kind and wealthy with Christ. It was great to see her husband and her two beautiful kids. Christopher, her son is a busy boy who will keep her hands full for sure.

Later on in the day after some touristing around in the leather town and Antigua, we met with Doris, yet another girl who has had a place in my dads heart for a long time. We had the pleasure to meet her boyfriend and talk about her job and dogs. Very pleasant I would say. While the day was long and good, I am eager to get to get to work tomorrow.

Greg says, the first time I meet Selia was on my first trip here. We have been close ever since, I consider her family. If you ever enter my home you will see a wall of photo’s of our family.  We have a picture of Selia on this wall.  So to be able to introduce her and Lydia to each other today was fantastic. We also had coffee today with Doris, another girl that I have known for a very long time. To be able to see and hear that they are doing good, that they are doing life and doing it well makes my heart very happy today. Selia is actually working here in at the Oasis in the kitchen and her husband works here in maintenance. Dad's heart is happy all around today!

 Lydia & Greg


  1. Your post makes me smile. I'm so happy you two are able to do this together. Praying for your week at the Oasis. Chris

  2. I am so thankful you guy two have this time together and that you are having this amazing experience in Guatemala! I have great memories of these multiple trips o took there...and life changing. I continue to pray for you both and the team.

  3. This is so amazing! Investing in each other’s lives and then through the years to see thriving and joy in Jesus!. Man - that’s what it’s all about! Thank you for sharing Greg and Lydia!!

  4. Great post. So great you are both there this week and able to share in the work as well as the history you have there!
