Thursday, February 27, 2020

Another rocking day!

Wow, what a day… so much happens in one day when you have so many hands doing God’s work. It all started with the entire team mixing and pouring cement for the morning again. Rigorous work to say the least but it went so quickly with everyone jumping in where ever needed. Later in the morning we took a well-deserved break which included Doug Johnson spoiling us with some amazing Cinnabon like rolls made locally here, they sell for .37 cents each, 😊 yummy. While we were enjoying these rolls we heard the life story by Brian, the construction director at the Oasis. Quite moving to hear how God changed his life after years in the Marines in Iraq. He is great helping us do our work here at the Oasis and he so enjoys being a good male role model for the girls.

After the break we all hit it with more various jobs. More painting as usual, mural painting, shelf building, more cabinets and did I mention painting, imagine that and finishing up the concrete surfacing. Sandy spent the day with interested girls at the Ester House working on the Jewelry business making great progress. She was hoping to already sell some of what was made today. So much happening and that’s only before lunch. We stopped for lunch in the big Bethany center room with the girls and some of the KAG staff. It’s so fun to interact with so many of our old and new friends. Tim has been busy with some videoing here at the Oasis with our work and several the staff members.

In the evening we went over to Casa Ester (Ester house) to have pizza with those 18+ girls that live there. They had planned some very fun games (bingo, a numbers game, musical chairs and silly pop bottle bowling) with us so we could interact with them. It was a great time! There are 25 girls there now, most working and some going to school. It's such a highlight to see some the girls we have known for many years, now thriving. God is so good!

Time to hit the sack its nearly 11pm and I'm shot… the days are long here. Thank you to each of you for your prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your experience and all God is doing in Guatemala! Can't wait to hear more
    about it when you get home!
